Personal Law

美 [ˈpɜːrsənl lɔː]英 [ˈpɜːsənl lɔː]
  • 网络属人法
Personal LawPersonal Law
  1. A Reflection on the Chinese system of personal law of physical persons


  2. On the Basic Characteristics and Development Trend of the Personal Law of the Physical Person


  3. Therefore , the connecting points of the personal law in private international law is of great significance .


  4. Comments on Interregional Personal Law in China


  5. Since then , the two legal systems have significant differences in the establishment of the issue of personal law standards .


  6. The confirming of an Interregional Personal Law will the key to solve the conflicts .


  7. In the field of international law , personal law is a very important formula of attribution in resolving the conflict of laws .


  8. Because personal law are the applicable law accompanying the person , which should be a degree of determinability considerations .


  9. Interregional Personal Law will be fulfilled with the persons domicile and habitual domicile .


  10. The operation of market mechanism needs not only personal law to regulate various market behavior but also corresponding public law to regulate all kinds of government economic behavior .


  11. On English Personal Law : from the Firm Tradition to the Mild Reform ; A high Tory , ie one holding traditional Conservative opinions


  12. In addition , each connecting point of the personal law is an important basis for determining the foreign-related civil legal relationship and for determining the international jurisdiction .


  13. In other words , the existence of legal persons is dependent on a specific national law of a state , and this particular law is the personal law of legal person .


  14. Meanwhile , Anglo-American common law countries still adhered to domicile as the connecting point of personal law , this been called " lex domicilii doctrine " .


  15. Thus , even using the same connecting point of personal law in the determination of the applicable law of the same foreign-related civil and commercial relations , may also be obtained inconsistent results .


  16. The provision of the principle of common personal law to some extent conforms to the trend of the legislation in the world today , but it is too mechanical and unlimited .


  17. Illegally obtained evidence from these two aspects of " crimes against personal law of faith " and " harm the national respect for the law to show the nature of evil " .


  18. England adopts lex domicilii doctrine in its personal law , but the reasons are not the same as those of the other states from Anglo-American law system such as US .


  19. The paper clarifies in the dispersive protection model respectively the realistic problems of judicial practice existing in Personal Law , Copyright Law and the Anti-unfair Competition Law and then introduces the optimal choice in the overall protection model .


  20. However , the current academic study of this issue focus on different points , less comprehensive and systematic , especially lack of comparative study on the established principles and specific applicable method in the applying the connecting points of the personal law .


  21. First of all , according to the person extended protection , fetus enjoy life , health , identity , the body of personal law benefit , emphatically discusses whether the fetus enjoy life law benefit , this paper agree with the viewpoint .


  22. This paper describes the members in the last part right , that the members of the right , while having the characteristics of personal law , in essence , they are right , and further analysis of its shareholder rights and the similarities and differences between .


  23. In private international law , the establishment of the connecting point of personal law has a direct relationship to the vital interests of the parties which are in the foreign-related civil and commercial legal relationship , and plays a decisive role in the foreign personal private law relationship .


  24. In Europe , many countries have adopted the principle in domestic legislation , even the Regulation ( EC ) No864 / 2007of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Law Applicable to Non-Contractual Obligations also specifies the application of the principle of common personal law .


  25. About Reconfiguration of Personal Archives Law enlightened from Protection System of Personal Data


  26. On the Application of Acquiring Limits on Personal Relation Law and Public Law PROTECTION OF RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT , PUBLIC LAW OR PRIVATE LAW


  27. And in China , bankrupt legal person system has promulgated by the implementation of bankruptcy law . However , " personal bankruptcy law " does not come .


  28. It is necessary for our country to constitute " personal bankruptcy law " so as to restrict the extra-consumption by loan and ensure the stability of financial market .


  29. In drafting of personal right law chapter of civil law code , we should concentrate on solving the problems of protection scope and protection method about the personal right of civil subject of our country .


  30. The personal tax law has brought into effect for ten years from 1994 to now , but it has appeared some limitations from taxpayer partition , scope of taxation , tax ration , calculation of income tax , taxing period and tax deration etc.
